Online Shopping: Just How Safe Is It?

Leo Notenboom
5 min readNov 26, 2019

This week’s featured article is all about the time of year we’re heading into: shopping season!

Specifically, it’s the holiday season in much of the world, and that means a lot of online shopping — perhaps more than ever before.

And yet, some people avoid online shopping, out of fear. Fear that, in my opinion, is seriously misplaced.

Also this week:

Do you know what’s installed on your machine? Does anyone? It turns out to be an incredibly difficult problem to solve.

Speaking of hard problems, they say you can’t prove a negative — which means you can’t prove you haven’t been hacked! But I have some things to look for.

If a little is good, more is better, right? Not when it comes to security software.

Have a great week, and to all who celebrate, a very Happy Thanksgiving!



Online Shopping: Just How Safe Is It?

As you might expect, I get many questions from computer users concerned about security. With regular news of identity theft, credit card fraud, and database hacking, many are understandably concerned about the security of their own information online, particularly when it comes…



Leo Notenboom

Former software engineer at Microsoft for 18 years, now sharing my passions, answering questions & helping folks with technology. (since 2003)